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Let's Talk About TMJ*, Oral Health and Pain

Delve into the complex world of pain management and explore innovative strategies to enhance the quality of life for individuals affected by chronic pain.

*Temporomandibular [tem-puh-roe-man-DIB-u-lur] joint (TMJ) acts like a sliding hinge that connects your jawbone.​

Attendees have exclusive first access to recordings from our event.

Meet Our Panelists

Penny Kowalchuk

Person with Lived Experience of Pain

Maureen Fowler

More information incoming

Suzanne Buchanan

MN, NP with Blood Tribe Health Corp

Dr Carlos Malpica-Vera

Family Physician

Drake McCheyne

RN, Alberta Health Services

Amanda Sowiak

More information incoming

Jignesh Desai


Trevor Sakatch

Kinesiologist, Alberta Health Services

Nicole Quinlan

Kinesiologist, Alberta Health Services

Shana Wandler

Recreational Therapist, Alberta Health Services

Koji Duncan

CO(c), MSc (RS), Adaptive Technologies

Julie Swanson

Better Choices, Better Health

Dr. Ivonne A Hernández

Dr. Ivonne A Hernández is an Associate Clinical Professor at the University of Alberta and teaches Orofacial Pain, Temporomandibular Joint Disorders and Sleep Disordered Breathing to Oral Medicine graduate students. In October 2023 she was elected to be the Pain Society of Alberta (PSA) President and she is a diplomate in Orofacial Pain (ABOP) and Sleep Medicine (ABDSM). Additionally, she is a member of several pain organizations including the Canadian Pain Society (CPS) and the International Association Study for Pain (IASP). Her private practice is devoted to the diagnosis and management of Orofacial Pain, Temporomandibular Joint Disorders and Sleep Apnea.

Dr. Reid Friesen

Dr. Friesen is an Assistant Professor at the University of Alberta and is involved in training Oral Medicine graduate students, as well as undergraduate dental and dental hygiene students. Additionally, he is a member of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada (RCDC), the American Academy of Oral Medicine (AAOM), the Pain Society of Alberta, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Canadian Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Oral Medicine. His clinical and research interests focus on the management of patients with chronic temporomandibular joint dysfunction and early diagnosis of potentially malignant disorders.

Dr. Einas Abdulrehman

Dr. Abdulrehman has been practicing dentistry in the city of Edmonton since 2012. To expand her knowledge and experience, she pursued a master’s degree in Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine from the University of Southern California in 2018. Following this, she went on to become a diplomate in Orofacial pain in 2020 and she is currently an active member of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain. Dr. Abdulrehman’s philosophy is to provide evidence based dental care with a patient centered approach. Dr. Abdulrehman is committed to applying her expertise and extensive knowledge in the field of orofacial medicine improve the quality of life of her patients.

Karen Rumleski

Karen Rumleski is a Person with Lived Experience (PWLE) who has been living with severe headaches and associated neck, shoulder and TMJ pain for about 19 +years. In her chronic pain journey, she has been able to find strategies and ways to adapt to a new normal. She is still able to work regular hours and enjoy attending recreational activities. The expertise of many skilled practitioners has played an important role in her successful journey.

Our Presenters

Let's Talk is an opportunity to learn more about the science behind pain and discuss the many complexities of pain and resources in your community.

1400h — Check our Schedule for your Breakout Room!

Transition to Breakout Sessions

1415h — Dr. Magali Robert, Susan Sobey-Fawcett and Dr. Elena Lopatina

Wildrose Ballroom

Alberta Virtual Chronic Pain Program & Evidence-Based Models of Care – Alberta & Beyond

1510h — Take a break and nourish yourself! This is a great time to network with our exhibitors and other attendees.

Refreshment Break

1410h — Dr. Howard Schubiner 

Moderated by Bonnie Klassen in the Hawthorne Room (A/B)

A Clinical Approach to Assessment and Reversal of Primary Pain Syndromes

1020h — Drs. Ivonne Hernandez, Reid Friesen, Elisabeth Saxton and Nadine Fennig

Wildrose Ballroom

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

1410h — Dr. Ivonne Hernandez and Dr. Reid Friesen 

Moderated by Penny Barnes in the Hawthorne Room (C)

TMJ screening & TMJ Examination: An Interactive Workshop

What's Happening Next?

Penny Kowalchuk,

Person with Lived Experience of Pain

I love being able to reduce the suffering in people with lived experience. Additionally, I believe in the power of strong communities and Pain AB gathers passionate healthcare professionals in pain management.

Maureen Fowler

More details incoming

My 'why' is coming!

Suzanne Buchanan,

MN, NP with Blood Tribe Health Corp

I am involved with The Pain Society of Alberta so I can provide the patient experience. I have dealt with chronic pain for more than three (3) decades.

Dr Carlos Malpica-Vera

Family Physician

I am involved with The Pain Society of Alberta as part of my evolution in helping improve the lives of those in pain. It is a privilege to be part of such a special group of kind, smart, hard working people.

Amanda Sowiak,

More details incoming

Right out of grad school I worked in an interdisciplinary pain program and saw first hand both the suffering and the success people living with pain can experience. Over my career I have heard how challenging the population is and seen how often they can be written off by professionals. This made me want to work with people living with pain more not less! I got into this work to see people function and thrive, often by helping them reconnect to their purpose. Helping people living with pain find their 'why' IS my 'why'.

Jignesh Desai,


As a nurse for over 30 years my passion is helping people. As the Pain Society of Alberta is pivotal in educating and supporting people living with pain, my involvement with PainAB allows me to fulfill my passion.

Trevor Sakatch

Kinesiologist, Alberta Health Services

As a chronic pain physician in Alberta, while I continue to advocate for my patients at the bedside, it is imperative that I continue to be a part of the education and management of pain for many others who continue to live with pain. The Pain Society of Alberta enables this outreach, and education amongst pain providers and peopl with lived experience.

Nicole Quinlan

Kinesiologist, Alberta Health Services

I am involved with the Pain Society of Alberta because chronic pain affects so many Canadians. Headache disorders, which are a special interest of mine, affect millions in Canada and are quite disabling for many. Migraine alone affects over 12% of the Canadian population.

Shana Wandler

Recreational Therapist, Alberta Health Services

Working with The Pain Society of Alberta gives me opportunities to work with some of the most vulnerable in our society. Additionally it creates excellent educational opportunties to share with allied health proffessionals.

Koji Duncan

CO(c), MSc (RS), Adaptive Technologies

My 'why' is coming!

Julie Swanson

Better Choices, Better Health

My 'why' is coming!

Registration for AHS and Primary Care Network Physicians and Allied Healthcare Providers is funded through the generosity of The South Zone Primary Care Network Committee.

Know Pain Know Gain: Collaborative Care
in Chronic Pain

May 24, 2024 | 1300 - 1615h

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