The Pain Society of Alberta is proud to collaborate with partners who share our commitment to advancing pain management and improving patient outcomes.
Access to upcoming events, educational resources, and initiatives from other leading organizations in the field of pain research and treatment.

Schedule for PCN Rounds
Presented by the Calgary and Area Primary Care Networks, PCN Pain Rounds is a grand rounds-style webinar series for family doctors and multidisciplinary team members interested in improving the care they provide to people with pain.
Wednesday, September 18 - Biopsychosocial/Spiritual Approach to Pain
Thursday, November 14 - Neurodiversity and Pain
Tuesday, January 21 - Fibromyalgia: Weighing the medication options
Thursday, March 20 - Trauma Therapy in a Person with Pain
Thursday, May 29 - Hypermobility Syndromes and Chronic Pain
Tuesday, July 22 - Twins or Distant Cousins: Comparing and contrasting pain reprocessing therapy and cognitive functional therapy
Lisa Jasper
I am happy to be involved with the Pain Society of Alberta and their work to share information and tools to help manage chronic pain. As a physiotherapist, researcher and educator, I see the many benefits of ongoing learning and sharing knowledge with other healthcare providers and those living with chronic pain. I believe that by working together we are all better at helping to manage chronic pain - and that the Pain Society of Alberta helps all of us work towards this common goal.

Tien Yen
My 'why' is coming!

Penny Barnes
As a nurse for over 30 years my passion is helping people. As the Pain Society of Alberta is pivotal in educating and supporting people living with pain, my involvement with PainAB allows me to fulfill my passion.

Lea Vespa
My 'why' is coming!

Dr. Flo Slomp
Working with The Pain Society of Alberta gives me opportunities to work with some of the most vulnerable in our society. Additionally it creates excellent educational opportunties to share with allied health proffessionals.

Anna Crowe
My 'why' is coming!

Cultivating an engaging online presence and sharing valuable pain-related information across our various platforms.
Be the first in the know.